I heard a BBC Commentator say that COVID is the biggest disruption in children’s lives since the London evacuation. Early in the pandemic, the kids and I were reading a series of books about the London evacuation and the children who were sent out of the city. It was helpful perspective, while we were isolated in our house, that we're certainly not the first generation to have something so destructive, scary and unknown happening. I was especially struck by this commentator, then, and the lasting damage done to our children from all the ways COVID impacted us.
Maybe this thinking made me feel even happier when I saw a girls' soccer team on the way to practice. I heard them before I saw them because they were chanting. I loved that they were out and happy together. The added benefit seemed to be that if the team walks together to practice, they can pump each other up and intimidate the opponent all the way there, and for the whole neighborhood to hear. And one more good thing about walking to practice was that the adults following along didn’t look stressed by the noise. Probably because they weren’t trapped in a minivan together.